Tag: beauty


#NICEStories: Rustic Art – Sustainable alternatives for personal and beauty care

Finding the right beauty and skincare products that are natural and genuine is definitely a hassle. Rustic Art was born keeping this issue in mind. With its cruelty free, vegan and affordable natively sourced, natural products, Rustic Art aims to reduce water wastage and the overall carbon footprint that regular cosmetics otherwise fail to take note of. With a woman dominated workforce, their products are made with nurture and care – with each product being a natural and cultural depiction of art on its own.

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Ayurveda Healthcare with Rajiv Vasudevan, Founder AyurVAID Hospitals

On NICE Conversations, featuring Rajiv Vasudevan – CoFounder, AyurVAID Hospitals . Chair, CII Ayurveda Group . Co-Chair, AYUSH Sector Skills Council. With several AyurVAID hospitals and clinics across India and a growing network of physicians, Rajiv Vasudevan has proved that a process-driven approach can make an Ayurveda-based business model profitable.

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There is Nothing Soft about Soft Power

A nation’s Soft Power is based on the use of three resources: its culture, its political values, and its foreign policies.
NICE Friend, Sridhar Pai Tonse, elaborates about Soft Power and the NICE vision in this essay.

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