NICEorg partnered with the INTACH Heritage Academy (IHA), the knowledge wing of INTACH, to deliver three webinars on the cultural and creative economy.

On the occasion of IHA’s founding anniversary, on 18th April 2022, Sanjay Anandaram, Co-founder NICEorg, delivered a workshop on Cultural Entrepreneurship: The Economics of Culture. Speaking to IHA alumni, Sanjay touched upon some critical points on looking at culture as an economic resource. He also dwelled on the importance of cultural entrepreneurship in India and the need to bring in market interventions for the success of cultural brands.

The second series of sessions were a part of the Heritage Economics module under the Heritage Studies course organized by INTACH. The cohort included students and practitioners from diverse backgrounds including architecture, journalism, fashion, social sciences and law.

1. Sanjay Anandaram, Co-founder NICEorg, spoke about the Entrepreneurial Mindset – approaching projects and the accompanying challenges from an entrepreneurial mindset, identifying markets and customers and building an aptitude for entrepreneurship.

2. Vidhyashankar Sathyamurthi, CEO, NICEorg moderated a session on Understanding Heritage Entrepreneurship. In this session, two cultural entrepreneurs – Krupa Rangarajan, Founder, Experience Topophilia and Ansoo Gupta, Founder, One Shoe Trust shared their journeys and learnings of becoming cultural entrepreneurs and bringing technology, innovation, heritage and storytelling together in their work. 

About NICEorg: NICEorg fosters an ecosystem for cultural entrepreneurs to build successful, profitable and valuable business enterprises, based on Indian cultural heritage and know-how. NICEorg works with partners to enable this ecosystem and is glad to have INTACH Heritage Academy on board.

If you are a cultural enterprise or an organization interested in NICEorg, please write to us at namaste@localhost



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